Welcome to the Virgin Book Club (VBC for short) official blog. Now to start let me just say that the Virgin in our VBC title has nothing to with sex...or not having sex...or reading books about not having sex...or reading books to keep from having sex, we call ourselves the VBC because none of us have been in a book club before and we make sure to read books no one has read yet.
We started out as a way for a group of friends, sisters and cousins to meet up once a month, grab a great dinner, talk about our lives and read a good book. Our little book club has been growing as each member invites new ladies to come, and this fall 2009 we will have been the VBC for one year!
Since Jess and myself are public relation majors we decided to do what any good pr major would do to market ourselces and started a blog!! So here we are starting off our second year together as the VBC. We will keep this blog updated as a way to document this fun venture and let others join in on the VBC discussion, and we promises to keep our conversations about sex to minimum!
Keep stopping by to meet the members and read about our book discussions and events.
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